“Why ‘im enter ‘am?”, I blurt
Some months back, them stampede my neighbor for NIS interview
“Wetin concern me?”
Last month, them slaughter my tribesmen for Soka
“I didn’t do it,” I shrug
Last month, them abduct schoolgirls for Chibok
“That’s Nigeria for you. Deal with it!”
Last week, them bomb my countrymen for Nyanya
“That’s no big deal, bombs blast off daily”
Today, them rape my daughter en route to school
“Ha! War against humanity!! The culprits must be fished and jailed!!!”
Each time you show indifference to evil
You embolden the doers to ride on
And that increases your chance of being the next victim
So ask WHEN, not IF, it is coming to you.
Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin is a writer, entrepreneur and the author of the popular free book, Your Right To Write. He’s @Oxygenmat on Twitter.